Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Unorthodoks Approach In Action - Case Study

Innovative yet, effective! Those three words describe the Unorthodoks Marketing approach to online promotion. Unorthodoks Marketing provides Internet marketing services to companies that want to reach the online African-American community., an online African-American art dealer, was the first company to benefit from Unorthodoks Marketing's innovative yet, effective Internet marketing services. had a two-step goal of increasing traffic to the website, which in turn, will boost sales. Via usage of The Comprehensive List of Internet Branding/Advertising/Marketing Options, a white paper authored by Unorthodoks Marketing's executives and found at, a marketing plan was devised to introduce to the urban community.

The "Education before Execution" process which enlightens Unorthodoks Marketing about the ins and outs of each client and its' industry showed that the stereotypical visitor/customer of is an African-American woman aged 18 - 34 with some disposable income. Understanding "who" your customer is important because it allows you make informed decisions about the techniques chosen to market your goods and/or services. A "cookie cutter" approach cannot be taken to marketing due to the fact that people of varying ethnicities, ages, education levels, income levels, etc. react in different ways to the same message. There will always be promotional techniques that are appealing to some and not to others.

This "picture" proved instrumental in two very important decisions. Firstly, since the target market is now known to be the fast growing African-American demographic, Unorthodoks Marketing understands that "fast growing" means that a significant portion of the demographic will have limited Internet experience. Research shows that users with less Internet experience will have more of a tendency to use search engines to find their online destination. Due to this, an emphasis was put on attaining high search engine placement. The thinking here was simply one with limited Internet experience probably has not yet developed brand loyalty hence, will be likely to visit a website such as if it places relatively high on the major search engines for several key terms and phrases.

Secondly, with the "picture" of the stereotypical visitor, the fact that it is an African-American woman comes into play again. Unorthodoks Marketing sought to align with websites that cater to the online African-American woman. Joint ventures were designed with a win-win objective in mind. The complementary websites would benefit from having the ability to offer African-American art to their respective communities which helps to round out their products &/or services offered and build on the "We have everything you may need", community feel that each of the sites want to convey. gains from having additional websites that can carry some of its' inventory and can leverage the creditability that these sites already have with their visitors.

Signs of success were evident from this nearly yearlong relationship as traffic had increased ten-fold and continues to set new highs for unique visitors to the site with each ensuing month.'s most prominent relationship established via the joint venture strategy presents itself as art prints are provided to, the most highly trafficked African-American e-commerce site in cyberspace.

It should also be noted that while only two facets of the marketing campaign implemented are discussed here, the overall efforts of Unorthodoks Marketing had resulted in ranking as high as the 8th most visited black ecommerce website as listed by at the end of the working relationship.


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